Image Reconstruction

How TrueFidelity’s deep learning image reconstruction engine generates GSI images

CT Image Reconstruction

Tomographic Image Reconstruction: Introduction (Part 1) [L28]

How a CT scan sees inside of you in 3D

Deep image reconstruction from human brain activity

Florian Knoll: 'MR image acquisition and reconstruction in the era of deep learning'

Backprojection Reconstruction and Filtered Backprojection | Fundamental Concepts with Libby Bucholz

Modeling prior information to guide image reconstruction in radiation therapy

How 3D laser scanning revolutionized the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral

AI in Imaging Reconstruction

Deep subspace learning for dynamic MR image reconstruction

AI in Image Reconstruction

UQx Bioimg101x 3.2.4 CT Reconstruction & Back Projection

NSS 2023.02.10 - Tim Szczykutowicz 'Deep Learning Image Reconstruction'

Mahdi Soltanolkotabi - Medical image reconstruction via deep learning: architectures, data reduction

Yukiyasu Kamitani (Kyoto University) - Deep Image Reconstruction from the Human Brain

Radial Perfusion Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Deep Learning Image Reconstruction

Deep MR image reconstruction across k­-space and image domain. Michal Sofka, PhD

Lawrence Tanenbaum, MD: 'AI in Image Reconstruction' (#4)

Filtered Backprojection FBP (#shorts) [CT image reconstruction]

Tomographic Image Reconstruction: Analytical Methods (Part 2) [L29]

Daniel Rueckert: 'Deep learning and shape modelling for medical image reconstruction, segmentati...'

Upstream AI: Strategies for Image Reconstruction, Dose Reduction, and Predicting the Future

Deep learning for medical image reconstruction, super-resolution, classification and segmentation